Explore the Little Salmon River watershed by clicking on the interactive map below
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The Nez Perce Tribe Watershed Division was awarded a Bureau of Reclamation grant to form a Collaborative group to discuss ways to improve water quality in the Little Salmon River watershed. This Collaborative group was funded to hold monthly meetings from June 2021 to November 2022.
What is the purpose of the LSRWC?
The purpose of the Little Salmon River Watershed Collaborative was to improve water quality in the Little Salmon River by engaging stakeholders across disciplines and land ownership boundaries.
Through exploring issues impacting water quality and understanding past restoration efforts, we decided to create:
- A website to house relevant information on the Little Salmon River and document what we have learned
- An interactive map that shows publicly available data to better understand this watershed
- A story map that takes a deeper look at restoration best management practices and efforts in the Little Salmon River watershed
What are TMDLs and BURP Data?
Where can I find more information about doing restoration work on my property?
What funds are available to help me in my restoration efforts?
Are there examples of restoration best practices on the Little Salmon?
Yes, to see examples of past achievements and ongoing efforts to improve watershed health, check out our interactive story map
How can I get involved in restoration efforts in the Little Salmon River watershed?
WAG webpage– see Little Salmon River
Contact us at [email protected] and provide feedback about the type of actions you are willing to support by completing the survey below

Past and Present Restoration Efforts in the Little Salmon River Watershed
LSRWC Restoration Actions Survey
Thank you for being interested in watershed restoration in the Little Salmon River watershed. We appreciate your willingness to provide feedback about the type of actions you are willing to support.
Prior Work & Resources
Conservation Easement Information
Water Quality Information
- Subbasin Introduction
- WAG Little Salmon River TMDL Implementation Plan (November 2008)
- ISWCC Little Salmon River SBA and TMDL Addendum
Implementation Plan for Agriculture (April 2016) - IDEQ Little Salmon River Subbasin Assessment and TMDL, 2013 Addendum (March 2013)
- IDEQ Little Salmon River Subbasin Assessment and TMDL (February 2006)
- IDEQ Little Salmon River Subbasin Assessment and TMDL, Five-Year Review (April 2012)
- BLM Temperature Map
- 2022 Integrated Report
- Water Body Assessment Guidance
Background Information
- USDA 2003 Little Salmon River Subbasin Review
- Little Salmon River Watershed: Climate, Geology, and Soils
- Little Salmon River Flow Data
- Little Salmon River Precipitation Data
- Bureau of Fisheries Stream Habitat Surveys
- Comprehensive State Water Plan (October 2001)
- Adams County Historical Info
- Nez Perce Tribe Cultural History
- Little Salmon Falls 1929
- “Road of No Return” The Story of Travel Through the Little Salmon River Canyon
- Idaho Statesman May 3, 1879
Fish Information
Get in Touch
Website Updated on 05/16/2023